Our Story
As a company with roots in the open-source community, Plotly introduced web-based data visualization to Python. Today, the company offers Dash Enterprise, which provides the best software tools and platform to enable every enterprise in the world to build and scale data applications quickly and easily.
Companies across the Fortune 500 use Dash Enterprise to visualize Python analytics and build data applications that empower users to make data-driven decisions.
With headquarters in Montreal, Canada, and a fully remote work team, Plotly is dedicated to ensuring every enterprise company worldwide uses Dash Enterprise to build their data applications.
Plotly Land Acknowledgement
Plotly is located on Tioh’tia:ke, commonly known in English as Montreal Island, in Kanien’kehá:ka, the “Place of the People of the Flint” (the Kanien’kéha). The Kanien’kéha are members of the Rotinonshon:ni (Haudenosaunee), the Confederacy of the Completed Longhouse. The Rotinonshon:ni consists of the Six Nations: The Onöndowága (Seneca, the Keepers of the Western Door), the Gayogohó:no’ (Cayuga), the Onöñda’gega’ (Onondaga), the Onyota’a:ka (Oneida), the Kanien’kéha (Mohawk, the Keepers of the Eastern Door), and the Skarū‘ren’ (Tuscarora). The lands of the Rotinonshon:ni extended throughout much of what is colonially determined New York state, southern Quebec, and parts of southern Ontario. These lands, which were never ceded by treaty, were forcibly seized by white settlers, missionaries, police, and armies. Despite this, the Rotinonshon:ni still live in the area around Plotly, with the Kanien’kéha communities of Kahnawake and Kanatasake close by and many Rotinonshon:ni people living in Montreal as well.
Although Plotly is located on Tioh’tia:ke, we work with clients and colleagues across the globe. We encourage every non-Indigenous settler to learn more about the land they are occupying by visiting Whose Land, Native Land, and This Land I Stand. These organizations contribute an immense amount of research to recognizing Indigenous lands around the world and offer exemplar data visualizations depicting those places.
We at Plotly have a responsibility to fight for Rotinonshon:ni self-determination against ongoing American and Canadian colonialism and for inclusivity and diversity in the tech industry. Plotly is interested in improving this space and making it more accessible to people from different cultures, as well as using and encouraging the use of our technology for anti-racist efforts.
For those interested in getting involved, you can contribute to groups including Natives in Tech, Center for Indigenous Innovation & Technology, and First Nations Technology Council. Locally in Tioh’tia:ke, you can donate to groups such as the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal or the Native Friendship Centre of Montreal.
Life at Plotly
So yeah, we work hard. We have many puzzles to solve and we are having fun doing it. We also have incredible customers and a strong, supportive community that we want to stay connected to.
To do all this, you need some guiding principles.
Here's ours:
Positive vibes (only)
We bring them every day. And, we keep this in mind when discussing each others work, our competitors, and our customers. We prefer to highlight the good and never diminish the hard work of others. When you bring positivity, it also means that you assume others have the best intent.
Data science is a team sport
Our company and our products are part of a larger community and we shouldn't lose sight of this. We aim to democratize knowledge and push the boundaries of data science. We can’t do this without our customers, our champions, or our community of users. Within the company, we value the experience and unique perspective that each person brings, and we’re building a stellar Plotlegion of our own.
Prioritize learning and the transfer of knowledge
We believe we all have an opportunity to learn from others and that learning should be a lifelong pursuit
Set a high bar
We aim to be adventurous, explore new things, and challenge ourselves. We expect a lot from each other and support each other along the way. In doing so we enable others to achieve a higher standard too, by creating beautiful visuals to communicate their data, drive results, and make better, more informed decisions.
Open communication
We are firm believers in open source and its foundations of inclusion and community. It's at the heart of everything we do. We talk openly, we listen, we debate, and we discuss new approaches. We value accessibility — whether for ideas, learning or knowledge.
Inclusion and social progress
There is a lack of diversity in tech. At Plotly, we regularly have discussions where we prioritize being part of the change. We tackle key issues of racial equity, disability inclusion, gender equity, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and more. Addressing barriers means taking targeted actions, and we've started with an inclusive hiring process and mindful onboarding. We are actively developing internal processes faithful to this commitment. We are building the future of scientific and engineering software, and we need every talent and perspective to create the future we want.
Our People

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Dash is the leading low-code platform for AI apps.
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